Monday, December 31, 2012

As the page turns...

A new year's coming. I must be getting old. I've barely gotten used to 2012! It's gonna be a big year ahead. Some pretty major changes, which I'll probably be sharing a bit about soon. (No, not getting married or anything.) :P

It was a good Christmas. I think some of the tragedies - Newtown and other things closer to home - actually helped get the focus on spiritual things rather than on the fluffy stuff. To think about others rather than ourselves.

Sometimes the greatest gifts are the smallest things. The things we already have, but perhaps need to rediscover. The cozy, quiet room downstairs. The spontaneous gifts from small friends. The thrift store finds.

There's this wanting to hold onto time that's so quickly slipping away. I dream sometimes of driving, unable to stop. There's a terror in it - a realization that I'm no longer in control. Waking reality is much the same. No matter how hard I press the brakes, I cannot change the speed of life, but only the speed I live.

I realize life's shortness when I look ahead to eternity. I realize its importance when I look and see those traveling with me.

I want to be "all there." I want to show people that they matter. I want to be willing to slow down, to make conversation deeper than the "how are you" and "good, how bout you?" that repeats without meaning week after week. I want to do hard things. I want to stop wishing other people would change, and simply live how Christ has called me to live.

I want to glory in the small things, in the joy and illumination of thinking God's thoughts after Him, in making things with my hands, in enjoying beauty and creativity.

I'm thankful for the gospel of grace. Without it, I would be doomed to fail in any resolution I could make. I'll still fail, and fail often, but thanks be to God, I am made perfect in Him! Looking to Him is the reason for hope; He is the one I follow even when I realize I can never follow perfectly. Anything good achieved through me is His gift, His work.

Thanks be to God.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas Adam!

For an explanation of the title, you can see last year's Christmas Adam post here. :) Yes, my lame attempt at humor. Sorry.

This Christmas, I've been thinking about Genesis. Adam and Eve. The tower of Babel.

I love how God has woven HIStory together in scripture - His divine plan, the light shining forth against the darkness.

~ ~ + ~ ~

Adam. The man who wanted to be God. The bringer of sin. The man of innocence, corrupted by pride. The man who brought death to every man.

Jesus. The Author, the Light, became Adam's Son. The bringer of righteousness. Man of sorrows, humble, small. The Man who brought life to souls corrupted by darkness.

I doodled this while waiting for my last exam to start. :)

Babel. The fist that was shaken. The worship of stars. Created worshiping created, subjected to futility and frustration.

The Stable. The place where the Servant King was born. Where the star shone in worship of the Creator who lay wrapped in a manger. Light for all men.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.
Luke 2:14

~ ~ + ~ ~

Have a blessed Christmas, friends! Let us worship the Saviour whose strength is made perfect in weakness, whose humility destroys our pride, and treasure these things in hearts that have been transformed by His light.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Time is [almost] Here!

Ah... what a wonderful time of year! Crazy it's halfway through December already, and only 10 days until Christmas. Didn't even realize that until I just counted! Life is going at breakneck speed, though I'm trying to enjoy and give thanks for every moment. Only one exam to go - after Monday I'll be able to totally get into Christmas mode.

We decked out our tree last Sunday - the most gorgeous tree we've ever had, if I do say so myself. :) I'll see if I can find a picture of it soon. Such a blessing too - we got a really good deal from a local homeschooling family who grows Christmas trees.

I love the Christmas baking...

Yummy date balls I made this week!

The last minute presents being finished and wrapped up...

Baby sweater and hat I did a while ago... not actually a Christmas gift. :)
 The snowflakes coming at last... and the hoping for a white Christmas, so rare here...

The view from the window right now - it's still coming down out there!
The joy and nostalgia of listening to Christmas albums that have been played every year for as long as I can remember: Boney M., Alabama, Kenny G., Bing Crosby...

I'm thankful for the time being spent with my wonderful, crazy family, just simply being together. It won't be forever, and I'm realizing what a gift a close family is. The most wonderful gifts are not the ones seen and touched, but the ones that are revealed in the heart and known through the Spirit, brought by the Prince of Peace.